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Pink Notebook

This is me ❤️

I'm Clare, Cat Mother 🐈‍⬛ Book Lover 📖 Wine Drinker 🍷 and Over Thinker 💭. 

​I write about my life lessons to inspire.

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Ended better than it started

Wednesday 3rd July I wake up still annoyed, this is becoming the norm now and I’m fed up with it. I try to have a conversation with the...

Ain’t no sunshine in my house

Tuesday 2nd July Blood tests this morning, again. Luckily traffic is a breeze and I only have 15 people in front of me in the queue at...

Do not disturb

Monday 1st July Working from home today. I get up and leave the husband asleep, he’s going to be in a world of pain today after his boozy...

Holding it together

Sunday 30th June Wake up at 9am, blimey that’s a lie in for me! My friend is already up and downstairs. After she leaves I get ready to...

Old friends and new batteries

Saturday 29th June Get my lashes done today Yay! Thank you Zoe!! The sun is shining and I’ve got my friend coming over for the day &...

Here there and everywhere

Friday 28th June Busy day today. I drop the husband off at the train station as he is off on a boys weekend and head over to Essex, first...

Fuzzy Thursday

Thursday 27th June 2019 Fuzzzzzzzzy. Bloody hell we got through some wine last night. I feel lighter today and less stressed. I log on...

Wine therapy

Wednesday 26th June 2019 Didn’t have a good nights sleep, I still get out of bed early, jump in the shower & go downstairs. I’m feeling...

Bouncing Back

Tuesday 25th June 2019 Feeling quite bouncy today, not sure why. I commit myself further to my shakes at lunch by ordering a hand...

I’m melting

Monday 24th June 2019 Well last week was pretty bloody dull. I’m still not feeling 100% but have got myself a doctors appointment for...

DANGER! Do Not Approach.

Sunday 23rd June 2019 Why do I still feel like shit? Really fed up with this now. The husband makes me some tea & toast for breakfast and...

Grow up Grandad

Saturday 22nd June Well those were some weird dreams. First I dreamt that I was meeting the husbands ex after work and we were drinking...

Reset the reset

Friday 21st June 2019 Wake up feeling like utter shit, seriously! If anything I feel worse, I call in sick again. I’m supposed to have my...

Benihana & Beekeeping

Thursday 20th June I do not wake up feeling miraculously better. Well this is shit. But I push on through as I’m taking my friend out for...

Sweaty betty

Wednesday 19th June 2019 Shit nights sleep. Feel even worse this morning so there will be no going to work today, I’m too tired to care,...

The vicious circle

Tuesday 18th June I’m feeling pretty shit today, body & mind. My throat, ear & head all kill, my mouth is full of ulcers and I feel fed...

No thanks monday!

Monday 17th June I leave the husband in bed whilst I go down and log on to my computer, I’m praying it’s not to busy today, I’m totally...

Hike on a hangover

Sunday 16th June Feeling like crap this morning, not surprised after all that wine. I get up and have cuddles with the twins. Yes me. I...

Swiss style

Saturday 15th June Wake up to amazing views of the Swiss hills, they live at the top of a really steep hill, which is a bastard to walk...

The show must go on

Friday 14th June 2019 Surprise surprise. Self loathing is back. I spend those moments between being awake and actually getting up, filled...

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Laptop and Flowers


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