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  • Writer's pictureThis is still me

Bouncing Back

Tuesday 25th June 2019

Feeling quite bouncy today, not sure why. I commit myself further to my shakes at lunch by ordering a hand blender, I can’t bear the powdery lumps I’ve heard about, I can collect it from Argos later today.

The new boss is in lots of meetings so that means I get a break from all the questions and can actually get on with some work.

At around 11 o’clock the feisty Italian girl is muttering something in Italian looking absolutely furious. I ask what’s wrong and she said she can see on the company intranet that the guy that came back to work with us has come back on a promotion and is more senior than her, he has the job she has been asking for since February and she’s doing it already, just doesn’t have the title. She looks like she’s about to explode, so I take her for a walk (to Argos) she is inconsolable and so angry I think she might cry, I tell her she should go home and i’ll chat to our new boss and explain the situation (need it!) he’s still in a meeting when I get back, so I crack on with all the audit crap I’ve now been tasked with. Joy.

The guy that’s just come back pops over to my desk for a chat, I casually drop in about him being senior now and he tells me it’s a HR cock up in the system, he’s still an analyst not a senior as the Italian will be next in line for that role!

I quickly message the Italian and she’s really relieved, I’m so glad I asked, especially before speaking to my boss! I would have looked a right dick.

I meet my friend for lunch to hear about his latest girl dilemmas, how the roles have reversed, he used to be my agony uncle 8 years ago. We both are sensible and stick to Diet Coke, even though, after the morning i’d had, I wanted something stronger.

Go back to an afternoon of constant questions, my head is banging and I’m relieved when I’m finally on the train, can’t wait to get home to the husband, thinking about us having dinner in the garden. I’m starving now, only had shakes today.

When I get off the train I get a message from him, ooh is he almost home? Wonder if he wants me to meet him in the pub at the station?

Sadly not, he’s had a busy day will be leaving in about another 30 mins, bugger i’ll have to wait a bit longer for dinner.

I get home & remember I haven’t done any washing and the husband needs his football kit tomorrow so I stick a wash on and then the shopping arrives, I try to ignore the rumbling of my stomach.

I asked the husband to let me know what train he gets so I can start preparing dinner, so imagine my “surprise” when I receive a message an hour after his first one saying he’s meeting his friend for a quick drink. Erm. WTF.

I tell him in no uncertain terms how I feel about this, on the plus side my appetite disappears

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