Thursday 27th June 2019
Fuzzzzzzzzy. Bloody hell we got through some wine last night. I feel lighter today and less stressed.
I log on from home and power through loads of work and avoid ordering Uber eats for lunch!
There is one last household chore I need to tackle, we have this sideboard thing, it’s hideous, I hate it, but it’s full of the husbands crap. When I’ve finished work I decide that it’s time. I’m a bit concerned what i’ll find in there of the husbands ex but I take a breath and start emptying.
Dear god, the man can hoard. There’s fucking VHS tapes in there!! Bin! I make piles of books, DVDs, CDs & paperwork dating back as far as 2011, I bag it up and shove it in the spare room, there is barely any floor space left in there now. I then decide I’m going to move it along with the dining table, the husband is going to freak when he gets back!
#selfcare #health #wellness #lifestyle #positivity #blog #blogger #blogging #sleep #thehusband #fuzzy #hoardinh #declutter