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Grow up Grandad

Saturday 22nd June

Well those were some weird dreams. First I dreamt that I was meeting the husbands ex after work and we were drinking wine and then all sitting in the living room together.

Next, I dreamt that I was at my nan & grandads old house.

My grandads not been well recently, he wasn’t ill in my dream and he was being snappy with my Nan & acting like a toddler so I was telling him to be nice to my Nan & grow up (I would NEVER speak to him like this in real life) then my nan comes with out with this massive cake, like a floor sized cake and it’s breaking. If anyone can make sense of the fucked up ramblings of my mind, please do.

I cancel my eyelash appointment, I’m now hairy with chipped nails and very soon my eyelashes will be bald. Such a sort.

I lay in bed feeling sorry for myself, I’m now bored. Shall I attempt to clean the bathroom? It’s bugging me. Before I know it I’m in there rubber gloved up. I’m sweating within about 5 minutes but I’m so sick of sitting around, maybe I can sweat it out? The husband comes upstairs to see what I’m doing, I look like I’ve been stood under the shower in my shower in my PJs, I haven’t. He tells me I should be resting, I tell him I’m bored and pick the old toothbrush up and continue scrubbing the grout.

Once I’ve finished, I begrudgingly get in my nice clean shower to rid myself of the sweat & grime. I come downstairs and the husband wants to tie back some “rose bushes” in the garden. When I look, they are just thorny bushes so he then had to hack them up. If I hadn’t come down we would have had some beautiful thorn bushes tied to our fence.

I’m now exhausted, I should’ve rested. I’ll rest tomorrow.

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