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Pink Notebook

This is me ❤️

I'm Clare, Cat Mother 🐈‍⬛ Book Lover 📖 Wine Drinker 🍷 and Over Thinker 💭. 

​I write about my life lessons to inspire.

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What I'm watching - Yellowjackets

My friend recommended this to me. I hadn't actually looked up what it was about, I was just casually scrolling through the TV menu when I...

February Reflections

Wednesday 2nd March I posted lists last month around self care and what makes me happy and I also post my intentions for each week. I...

Don't kill my vibe!

Tuesday 1st March I was in such a good mood yesterday morning, despite being awoken by the husband snoring practically in my ear. I got...

Taking the leap?

I normally like to share something I have found inspiring on Instagram for a bit of Monday motivation, but as I sit here at 5am in the...

My intentions for the coming week

My writing room is ready to go (apart from a shelf that the husband is going to put up for me) so now there are no excuses not to get in...

What a lovely week

I had a really lovely week this week. I feel like I’m finally on the high vibe I love so much. I feel happy and content with my life and...

Beast Restaurant London

It’s the husbands birthday today so last night we went to his favourite restaurant they serve the most delicious...

My Top 10 Self Care activities

Having this break from work has been so beneficial to my mental health. I now know that putting time aside for self care is essential for...

Joining JSA

Monday 15th July 2019 Wake myself up shouting in my sleep again. This is the second time I’ve done this recently, this never used to...

The beast

Sunday 14th July 2019 I wake up in bed at 1 am, I am so hot. The husband still isn’t home. I’m a little bit annoyed, I’m tired I haven’t...

Dessert spoon in coffee?

Saturday 13th July I wake up I’m on the sofa, it’s 4:30am God I’m uncomfortable, so I head up to bed, I need some more sleep. I wake up...

But it’s friday

Friday 12th July 2019 Literally so happy it’s Friday I’m in a great mood, not hung over, not drunk. I’m ready for today I’m meeting a...

Still drunk

Thursday 11th July 2019 I am 100% still drunk when I wake up. Some dickhead had put a training session on for 9am, this is the last thing...

Going for 1, getting home at 2

Wednesday 10th July 2019 What is it with all the dreams lately??? Last night I dreamt that the husband was lying to me & cheating on me,...

Don’t forget about the crisps

Tuesday 9th July 2019 Bloody weird dreams, dreamt I had a little kitten, which I took into my mums room while she was sleeping, she was...

Bad dreams

Sunday 7th July 2019 Wake up at 2:30am, bad, strange dreams which I can’t really remember. I can’t get back to sleep, this is so...

Caring less

Saturday 6th July 2019 I’m driving to Essex today, there is so much going on at the moment I’m feeling completely overwhelmed. My...

Facing things

Friday 5th July 2019 I don’t go into work today, I have some things I need to deal with, my head won’t be in the right place. The husband...

A slight revival

Thursday 4th July I wake up feeling surprisingly revived, no longer angry at everything. Well this is nice! I skip into work feeling like...

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Laptop and Flowers


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