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Pink Notebook

This is me ❤️

I'm Clare, Cat Mother 🐈‍⬛ Book Lover 📖 Wine Drinker 🍷 and Over Thinker 💭. 

​I write about my life lessons to inspire.

Home: Welcome

My 3 intentions for the week

It’s not only a new week, but a new month and I’m really excited to see what May will bring. I had a busy week last week, so I didn’t...

My 3 Intentions for the coming week

I didn't do particularly well with last weeks intentions. I started off well, getting up at the same time each and taking a nice morning...

What went well this week

I’ve been on a pretty high vibe this week and with this, some pretty positive things are happening. As I mentioned in this weeks blog...

3 Intentions for the coming week

Anyone else start doing something and get a bit carried away with it? Or is it just me? I started typing this up about 1pm and here we...

My Intentions for the coming week

Sunday is here! I'm not sure about you, but where I live, we have literally had every season of weather in the space of 24 hours. What is...

March reflections & April intentions

Is it me or did March feel like it was only 2 weeks long? At the beginning of March, I looked back on the intentions I had set myself at...

My intentions for the coming week.

Today I am 41. I have spent the last few days celebrating with friends, which i have really enjoyed, but I am really missing the clear...

My intentions for the coming week

It was a busy week for me last week. I spent the first part of the week fretting about what I had to do at the end of the week. When...

My intentions for the coming week

I've been feeling pretty sluggish lately so I think its high time I reintroduced some exercise into my day. I now have the couch to 5k...

This weeks intentions

I'm not going to lie, I woke up this morning in a bit of a negative mood. I couldn't shake the feeling that my dream of giving up the rat...

February Reflections

Wednesday 2nd March I posted lists last month around self care and what makes me happy and I also post my intentions for each week. I...

My intentions for the coming week

My writing room is ready to go (apart from a shelf that the husband is going to put up for me) so now there are no excuses not to get in...

The vicious circle

Tuesday 18th June I’m feeling pretty shit today, body & mind. My throat, ear & head all kill, my mouth is full of ulcers and I feel fed...

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Laptop and Flowers


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