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  • Writer's pictureThis is still me

My intentions for the coming week

It was a busy week for me last week.

I spent the first part of the week fretting about what I had to do at the end of the week. When Saturday arrived and I had some free time again, I was exhausted and could not seem to move.

The week ahead I intend to plan better; next weekend is my birthday, so I have plenty to look forward to. After that, I will be focusing all my energy on paying off my remaining debt, which means less time to go out, which is actually a good thing for me, since this will allow me to spend more time writing.

This week we will have more painting done in the house, so once again the house will be upside down. I know this affects me mentally, so I need to put things in place that will help. Thankfully, I have my sanctuary to retreat to and we will be able to sleep in our own bed this time!

In the last week, I let my writing slide and took a couple of days off from blogging, so I'm putting in an hour each weekday this week to write, so when Friday gets here I'll know that I've spent enough time on the book.

A daily walk, some weights in the garden, or a bit of yoga is also on my list. With the weather now getting a bit better, I want to get out in the sunshine and exercise.

The final intention is to get some structure back to the blog page, which will require some forward planning and possibly even scheduling posts if I'm not going to be around.

By doing all of the above, I will be able to have a fun weekend and not feel guilty afterward for letting my goals slip.

Hope you all have a fabulous week and get some of that elusive sunshine.

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