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This weeks intentions

I'm not going to lie, I woke up this morning in a bit of a negative mood. I couldn't shake the feeling that my dream of giving up the rat race and becoming a writer full time, was only ever going to be just that and it left me feeling pretty fucking depressed.

I haven't been in my sanctuary since Thursday. I was at a funeral on Friday and this weekend we have had decorators upstairs, so as soon as the they left this morning, I got into my little woman cave, put some motivating essential oils in my diffuser and read the next chapter of The Miracle Morning, which fully motivated me to set my intentions for the week. The chapter I have just read was called The Life S.A.V.E.R.S. Which are the below six practices to carry out each morning.

  • Silence

  • Affirmations

  • Visualisation

  • Exercise

  • Reading

  • Scribing

I was really happy to see that I already do a couple of these things as part of my morning and evening routine, which means it wouldn't be such a massive overhaul to my life.

The only one I am quite uncertain about is affirmations. Blowing my own trumpet doesn't come very easy to me, so saying out loud that "I am" something that I don't quite feel I am (I haven't decided on my affirmations yet) makes me feel a bit cringe, but if doing these affirmations and doing them properly, will help me succeed and feel better then I'm going to go for it. Its only the husband who will hear me and he needs to realise how fabulous I am also!

I then spent some time scrolling through pinterest for affirmation ideas and inspiration for my vision board, occasionally finding a diffuser blend I want to try (I'm getting a bit obsessed with them)

The SAVERS can be done in any order, to suit what is best for you, so I might try a different order each day to see what I prefer, although from previous experience, I do find that getting the exercise part out of the way first is preferable!

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