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Pink Notebook

This is me ❤️

I'm Clare, Cat Mother 🐈‍⬛ Book Lover 📖 Wine Drinker 🍷 and Over Thinker 💭. 

​I write about my life lessons to inspire.

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My 3 Intentions for the coming week

I didn't do particularly well with last weeks intentions. I started off well, getting up at the same time each and taking a nice morning...

What went well this week

I’ve been on a pretty high vibe this week and with this, some pretty positive things are happening. As I mentioned in this weeks blog...

3 Intentions for the coming week

Anyone else start doing something and get a bit carried away with it? Or is it just me? I started typing this up about 1pm and here we...

My Intentions for the coming week

Sunday is here! I'm not sure about you, but where I live, we have literally had every season of weather in the space of 24 hours. What is...

My intentions for the coming week.

Today I am 41. I have spent the last few days celebrating with friends, which i have really enjoyed, but I am really missing the clear...

My intentions for the coming week

It was a busy week for me last week. I spent the first part of the week fretting about what I had to do at the end of the week. When...

My intentions for the coming week

I've been feeling pretty sluggish lately so I think its high time I reintroduced some exercise into my day. I now have the couch to 5k...

Monday Meh

On Mondays, I like to start the week by posting something inspiring to set the right tone for the coming week, however, if I did that...

This weeks intentions

I'm not going to lie, I woke up this morning in a bit of a negative mood. I couldn't shake the feeling that my dream of giving up the rat...

February Reflections

Wednesday 2nd March I posted lists last month around self care and what makes me happy and I also post my intentions for each week. I...

My intentions for the coming week

My writing room is ready to go (apart from a shelf that the husband is going to put up for me) so now there are no excuses not to get in...

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Laptop and Flowers


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