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Feeling fuzzy

Thursday 23rd May 2019

Fuzzy. Fuzzy head, fuzzy mouth, just all over fuzzy. Bloody rum punches (and the rest) this is the closest I’ve been to a hangover for some time. I didn’t even hear the husband come in last night.

We lounge around in bed for the morning, neither of us have the energy to move. We head down for lunch, I need some hangover food. After my food I start spinning out, I get all hot and feel like I’m going to pass out. I go to the loo and splash some cold water on my face and start to come round, don’t know what that was all about?!

Have a nice chilled by the beach and then off I go for my facial. It was lovely, she steamed my face and removed all my blackheads, there were loads! Now my skin feels lovely. Although my one at Ora Holistic was better so I’m going to book in when I’m back.

Really don’t fancy a drink today, definitely overdid it yesterday, need a break before I break!

Go for dinner minus the make up, scary stuff. Have resolved to start a new cleansing routine when I’m back, will try with the things I have at home and if I’m a good girl and stick to it, I’ll treat myself to some nice products.

It’s so hot tonight, they are showing a movie on the beach but we miss the beginning so decide not to bother, the humidity gets to us to we head to the bar to take a couple of drinks back to our room, I had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner which I didn’t enjoy so I took a couple of pineapple daquiris up with me and we watched Hacksaw Ridge, really good film.

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