As you will remember from my last post, I have decided to try and cut back on some of my bad habits. I have been posting daily on my Facebook, Instagram & Twitter feeds with my progress so thought I would share this with you guys.
Monday 8th April
Woke up groggy after drinking a couple of glasses of red wine last night, it always messes with my stomach too. Today is a new day, it’s rather exciting, no work today though hurrah! I shall sit and watch Jezza Kyle and catch up on my programs, there are no plans to get dressed today.
Shopping arrives, been waiting for this so I can have breakfast, decide that as I am having a naughty dinner tonight, I may as well start tomorrow, have a breakfast sandwich instead of planned omelette (Egg, Hash browns and sausages - low fat, in case you were wondering) convince myself that Rome wasn’t built in a day and that I need to make my first booze free day easier and not restrict everything, then find 2 shortbread biscuits left in the pack and eat those too, disappointed there aren’t more, feel full but thinking about what to have for lunch, get drowsy watching Netflix, have a power nap, wake up hungry, decide to have a jacket potato with cheese and Supernoodles, discover there are NO Supernoodles, devastated, consider for a millisecond about going to the shops, decide its fate and I should just have cheese.
Look around house and get agitated with mess, have a spurt of cleaning, hoovering, change bed sheets and tidy cluttered bedside table, I deserve a medal, settled for a bubble bath to get rid of the sweat, felt really good for getting lots done, must remember this!
Read an article on how successful people get up at 5am, set my alarm for 5am, even though I am working from home, just think of the all the things I can get done in three hours! Batch cook my lunch for Tuesday and Wednesday, congratulate myself again on my superb productivity.
Husband came home early from seeing the kids, nice surprise, we are both so tired, crawled into bed at 10pm, hoping not to have night sweats, wondering if night sweats are actually due to the new memory foam mattress and not alcohol at all? Realise I am lying to myself, again.
Tuesday 9th April
Had a restless night full of night sweats, woke up at 4.30am, decided that I didn’t need an extra 3 hours in my day as I had done everything yesterday, changed alarm to 7am, not wanting to run before I walk, get up at 7.15 and shower, don’t bother with hair wash or make up as I am working from my boss/friends home today to look after her son, barely see him as he’s playing fortnite all day, could do this every day!
Spend all day in the lounge watching daytime TV whilst working, so exhausted though, how can this be?
Had a video call with my friend in New Zealand, she showed me around her new house, it’s huge!
Ate batch cooked lunch, too much cauliflower, stomach swelled (even more) now very uncomfortable in my jeans, should have brought pyjama bottoms. Looked up writing retreats and got through 5 cans of coke zero.
Got home and actually exercised yay! Sweating like I've climbed Everest! Need to wear a bikini in a month, wonder how I am going to do this and still eat actual food. Feeling a sense of achievement though.
Prepare fruit for breakfast, have dinner, Bombay Style Lamb Curry, catch up on my programs on my kindle whilst the husband watches football and drinks beer, he says he’s having a glass of wine, I think this is a test, genuinely not bothered, just keep thinking about the chocolate in the cupboard, decide to have an options hot chocolate, discover I can’t get ITV hub on my kindle, dammit, will just have to get in bed to watch that program.
Get snuggled at 9:20pm, wonder if having 2 booze free days means I won’t have night sweats tonight?
Try to read my book, my eyes are like roller blinds, give up and go to sleep, woken by the husband at 11 when he gets into bed, spend 10 minutes wondering if I need to the loo, decide I do, come back get spooned, fall asleep