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  • Writer's pictureThis is still me

Sugar Bay Six

Sunday 26th May

Last night I dreamt that some random girl was convinced I was her girlfriend and she was trying to get me to move to North London. Odd.

Today I sunbathe. Feel like I haven’t done enough (I have) as I get out of the shower I can hear Fred chirping frantically outside, I look out at he is chirping at me! He’s asking to be fed! What a bossy bird! I love it. I go out and feed him some muffin which he gobbles up almost immediately. So demanding.

The sugar bay six had their final lunch together and one of the couples gave us an anniversary card, feel bad now that we didn’t get them an engagement card! We will be staying in touch and talking of a trip to Derby to visit.

We manage to get a bed by the pool. I’m having a panic that we’ve only got a few days left and I’m not tanned enough so I decide to get the oil out today and do some serious sunbathing, the husband is restless and wants to go snorkelling I just want to lay, so he goes off on his own muttering about it being dangerous to snorkel alone.

I take myself off for a nice bit of afternoon tea, a nice earl grey & a cupcake whilst looking out over the ocean, Fred even joins me, I give him a few crumbs and he hops on the table.

Lots of new arrivals today, you can never re-form the sugar bay six though so I might go all British and not speak to anyone else.

We’re back in the room before we go to dinner, the husband has just been bitten by a mosquito and is now prancing around the room with a determined look on his face declaring war on the mozzie I am in stitches I wish I had videoed it! After chasing said mosquito around for at least 30 minutes, it flew past me and I caught it. The husband is relieved and I think somewhat disappointed that he didn’t get the kill himself.

We watch the girl band again and all of a sudden everyone starts going to look st the beach behind us, I go to see what all the fuss is about and a turtle is laying her eggs and burying them! So amazing, hoping they will hatch before we leave but google tells me it takes 60 days.

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