As you have probably gathered from my previous posts, I am now doing Slimming World. I won't refer to it as a diet, as in actual fact, I'm not being deprived of any food (or alcohol - and I think we can all agree I like a drink or 10)
For those of you not familiar with Slimming World, here is the basic concept. All lean meat, most fish & seafood, fruit & vegetables are what is known as free food, you can have as much of this as you like, this also includes potatoes, pasta & eggs. Yes you read that correctly, as my Mum often said when she was giving me her slimming world sales pitch "you can eat a whole bag of potatoes if you like" but it's true (although I'm yet to try it) then you have what is known as healthy extras one list is made up of certain dairy products (milk & cheese) and the other is fibre (bread, crackers, cereals) you are to have one from each list per day. Then all other food is given a "syn" value for example a large glass of my much beloved Sauvignon blanc is 11.5 syns. When you sign up to Slimming world, you are given a daily syn allowance, mine for example is 12-15 per day. When you sign up you have access to an online portal where you can find the syn value of most food brands and restaurants and there is also a calculator for anything else. So I can, if I want, still have a large glass of wine every day if I like! Hurrah!
So I'm back on the slimming world wagon (after a 4 week Christmas break) I have lost 3.5lb in 2 weeks, in this time I've drank (too much) wine, been to an Indian restaurant (and ate with abandon) celebrated 2 children's birthdays and not done any extra exercise (I walk 30 mins to Work and 30 mins home which I've always done) so I'm pretty much in love with the Slimming World concept right now.
I am not, however, loving my hormones. Sunday night I started to feel, well weird, like I'd had too much caffeine but fed up with it, jittery misery is the only way to describe it. I took Monday off of work as I wasn't in the right frame of mind for people, this was a mistake as staying home watching Jeremy Kyle only made me more miserable and I was out of my routine. I was now blaming the crateload of prosecco I'd consumed over the weekend. Back to work tomorrow!
Tuesday morning was met with a Moany man banging on about my alarm being snoozed too much and waking him up (he had to get up anyway) I just wasn't in the mood for his misery so I cried about it when he got in the shower, silently ranting at his cruelty of daring to tell me off when I am feeling so sensitive (like he knew about it)
Wednesday at work was uneventful but I still wasn't feeling myself, whilst driving home from the station I attempted parking my car on my drive and hit the fence taking half of the back of my car off whilst my boyfriend stood and watched from the doorstep with his hand over his mouth, I just left the car abandoned across the drive, threw him the keys shouting "YOU DO IT!!" I stomped upstairs put my pyjamas on and cried for a bit. Fucking fence.