Today marks a year since I wrote my first blog here. Yay!
A lot has happened since then, diet & exercise regimes have come and gone along with a couple of "friends" but the most notable thing is my mental health.
This time last year I was on anti depressants wondering if I would ever be able to come off them, then I did and spent quite a bit of time thinking should I go back on them and finally, now I feel in a good place. I feel the most positive and happy me since god knows when. I am managing to stick to my resolutions/goals and am slowly learning how to actually look after myself without feeling selfish and its bloody great.
I am starting to feel like I am getting my act together, I have a nice little routine in place at the beginning of each week I make a meal plan and order my shopping in, I put a plan to exercise in for a few mornings per week, although I don't stress about this too much as I do walk for 3 miles as part of my commute to work, I've set up reminders on my phone for silly things like to remember to take my lunch or vitamins (these are the things that really annoy me when I forgot as they are so little! But one forgotten lunch can equal a cheeseburger if I'm not careful!) Having a routine, for me, is a huge factor. Dont get me wrong, I like to be spontaneous every now and again, but just the fact that I have an idea of what is going on in my life, such as what I am going to dinner, is somewhat comforting. So tonight, I shall celebrate my blog birthday by going home and getting in my PJs, making a syn free cottage pie and if I am feeling really wild, I might have a muller light after. I can't wait!!!