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  • Writer's pictureThis is still me

Home sweet home

Friday 31st May

We hit the tarmac an hour later than scheduled. The taxi I pre-booked online have left me a message saying that they didn’t get my flight number so couldn’t send a car. My tired, irritable self does not need this. I go back on the app and book another one, should be here by the time we get through to arrivals.

The husband is grumpy, he’s tired, I have zero sympathy as he slept for most of the flight. He has no business being moody. The bags take forever to come out and the taxi driver is now calling me. I just want to be left alone!!!

Luckily the M25 is kind to us and we get home pretty quickly I empty the cases of dirty clothes determined to get my washing out of the way. I put one load on and then a wave of tiredness hits me, I sit down on the sofa and eventually fall asleep. About 30 minutes later my Sainsbury’s delivery is here so I muster up the strength to put it all away. I make us some food and a cup of tea now we have milk, the food sends the husband to sleep so I use this opportunity to catch up on some TV, first TOWIE, then Made in Chelsea, but my eyes start going again so I give in to sleep.

An hour or so later I wake up, I know I can’t keep sleeping or I won’t sleep tonight. My Exante has been delivered in my slumber so I go through that. Strangely excited to start tomorrow, I know it’s going to be really hard at first as I’m going from yummy all inclusive food 3 times a day to 2 meal replacement shakes/bars with only one meal of actual food per day, but I am determined to shift this weight once & for all.

I have a burst of energy and do some tidying and more washing. Notice loads of birds in the garden, I miss Fred. I find some pumpkin seeds in the cupboard and put them out. They’re not as clever as Fred and don’t seem to have figured it out. The bird feeder has arrived but I need to wait for the husband to mow the grass & the bird food will be arriving tomorrow. Who even am I?

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