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Emergency Dog Lead

Monday 6th May

Miraculously we both woke up in bed this morning! Hurrah. That would be because I only had one glass of wine last night, did have the night sweats and woke up with the grog again BUT it’s a new week so I’m getting back in the saddle.

I get up and snuggle up on the sofa, I love doing this at the weekends, the husbands in bed and I have an hour or so to myself to read, write or watch crap on TV, this morning watching crap on TV was the choice, watched a very odd film called “Trendy” was a bit weird but still watched it.

The husband emerges and we have some breakfast and watch some more line of duty, his plan was to carry on with some decorating, so he trots upstairs, I decide to clean & tidy downstairs, I get a bit carried away, moving furniture, find a bunch of random wires and plugs all tangled that are not even being used FFS.

Decide now the husband has (finally) fitted the dishwasher, I will put everything back in the cupboard under the sink that he took out. 3 boxes of stuff for a tropical fish tank, we haven’t had fish for about 4 years. They are unopened so I put them in a bag for the husband to deal with, everything’s going back, nice & tidy, unlike before when you even looked at the cupboard some random piece of crap would fall out. Then I come across this long black thing, surely it’s not, it’s a fucking dog lead. We’ve never had a dog! He had one about 8 years ago. I mean this is bloody ridiculous.

At this point he is hovering, probably panicking that I am going to chuck out some useless item that he will “need” “What is that?” I say to him “is it a dog lead?” “Yeah” “I’m throwing it out” “No” he laughs, I’m also laughing but more from confusion.

He then goes on to tell a story of how an old couple had an accident outside his parents once and they looked after their dog and it was lucky they had a dog lead. I mean you couldn’t make it up. He then starts talking about one time rescueing a cat or something, I stop him in his tracks, tell him we are going to move house next year and I’m not taking all this crap with me. It then goes in a box, to be thrown out.

If you’re reading this, I will be checking it’s still in that box and making sure it gets thrown out!

When I have finally finished the housework I treated myself to a bubble bath.

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